NOTICE: The online Sheep Registration Form is being revised as we transition to a new web manager. Please email your application(s) directly to the Registrar at (one sheep per email, please) and pay via PayPal to Applications and a check (made out to JSBA) may also be mailed to Linda Bjarkman at:
Linda Bjarkman
1197 Eastman Mtn. Rd.
Tiger, GA 30576
Fleece samples for rams should be mailed to the above address.
For your convenience, you may use the form below to pay JSBA for ads and miscellaneous.
The JSBA website includes a membership list, by region, for any current JSBA members in good standing. The basic listing is free. New listings will be added quarterly (January, April, July and October). In addition, there are 2 levels of paid listings: 1) include your website and general products you offer for $20/yr., or 2) include your website and add personalized advertising copy for $30/yr.